The Bulgarian Association of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology (BAAST) is part of the Bulgarian Orthopedic and Traumatology Association (BOTA).
The close cooperation of the association with European and World organizations, the annual conducting of courses and forums enables the members of the association to constantly improve their educational and qualification level, getting acquainted with the latest news and techniques in the field of arthroscopy and sports traumatology.
BAST promotes cooperation with European associations specializing in arthroscopy and establishing close links with international societies and specialists in the field.
BAAST’s mission is to increase the educational qualification level of surgeons, support professional realization and promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and experience in the field of prevention, conservative and surgical treatment with a focus on arthroscopic treatment of diseases and sports injuries related to the musculoskeletal system
BAAST is an association established as a professional organization aiming to exchange experience between scientific, professional and patient organizations working in the field of arthroscopy and sports traumatology. BAAST’s main activities include:
– Up-to-date methods and surgical techniques in the field of orthopedics and musculoskeletal traumatology
– Promotion of research and training in arthroscopy and sports traumatology
– Exchange of scientific experience and improvement of the education and training of the members of the association
In fulfillment of its mission and vision, BAAST organizes an annual forum in which European and world specialists in the field of arthroscopy and sports traumatology participate, which promote modern scientific and practical achievements. The Forum has several sessions, which include scientific lectures and presentations, presentation of clinical cases and work techniques, as well as live-surgery, which is a prerequisite for the exchange of practical techniques and skills in the field of orthopedics and sports traumatology.
BAAST also organizes a training program in arthroscopy and sports traumatology – Lyon School of Knee Surgery Traveling Fellowship, which encourages young orthopedists in the field to train and gain hands-on experience from leading arthroscopy and sports traumatology specialists in one of the most prestigious training schools in Europe, as well as to resume the scientific and friendly connection between the Bulgarian Arthroscopic Society and the world-renowned and recognized Lyon School of Knee Surgery.